June - 2024


June sees OLD English night at Ilkley along with a celebration  - Initiating Mr Luke Cater of Addingham. Luke is delighted to have joined Masonry in Ilkley citing the friendship and camaraderie as just a couple of reasons why he wanted to become a member. 


Above Worshipful Master - W.Bro Andrew Wellock  congratulating Luke on joining Freemasonry. 

Old English Night in full swing - A well known event attracting many freemasons from other areas - you will note the compulsory wearing of tradition Yorkshire Flat Caps! 

May  2024

Bro Darren Marchment 
 Joines - Mark Masonry

Bro Darren Marchment of Olicana Lodge, Ilkley   has spread his masonic wings and joined Gilkirke Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.812 in Barnoldswick. Seen here meeting with the Provincial Grand Master  RW Bro Trevor Bolton and some of the Provinical Team

Darren with his proposer W. Bro Steve Walker  also Of Olicana Lodge Ilkley. A fantastic night was had by all - For more information: 

A Little more information about Mark Masonry: 


The Degree of Mark Master Mason is open to all Master Masons. The ceremony of being made a Mark Master Mason, known as an Advancement, is beautiful, interesting, and enlightening, with the Candidate right at its heart. It can be said to comprise of two Degrees; the first in which he is acknowledged as a Mark Man, followed by the second where he becomes a Mark Master Mason. The Mark referred to in its title takes its name from the mark or symbol with which the stonemason identified his work and can still be found in many cathedrals and important buildings. The Advancement Ceremony depicts an incident at the building of King Solomon’s Temple, and the use of a stone mason’s selected Mark. It teaches important lessons about our roles in life, and how good work in due course earns its just reward.

May  2024

W.Bro Andrew Hill PPSGW
 Master of  Ben Rhydding  Lodge  2024

W.Bro Andrew with his Wardens


Andrew joined freemasonry in 1985 and remains committed and enthusiastic as ever saying: ''He has loved every minute of it""  Master for the Fourth time. 


Wb Andy Hill with his fellow Past Provincial Senior Grand Wardens from both Mother and Daughter Lodges - Below with some of his Lodge officers.

May 2024


Master of Olicana Lodge - W.Bro Andrew Wellock congratulating  W Bro  Frank Taylor on his promotion to Grand Rank - Richly deserved for the considerable work and dedication to Chapter Masonry and Masonry in general. 


WM Congratulates Brother Chris Forder on his passing to the Second Degree  -Chris said he thoroughly enjoyed his evening and thanked the brethren of Olicana for making it a special occasion 

April 2024 - 100 Year Mile Stone. 


Brother Roy Dawson - Organist for Olicana Lodge and  Olicana Chapter  joined Freemasonry in  Cumbria - Copeland Lodge No 4607 over 60 years ago.  29 April 2024 saw the Lodge celebrate 100 years of freemasonry  at their Masonic Hall,  Egremont, Cumbria. 

The event was well attended with over a 100 attendees from all over the country with the Cumberland and Westmorland  Provincial team  attending.

Several members from Yorkshire West Riding attended to support this fantastic occasion

Brother Roy - In his favorite place!

April 2024 - Ilkley Good Neighbours


Master of Olicana Lodge - W.Bro Andrew Wellock congratulating  Mr Ed Duguid, Chairman of Ilkley and District Good Neighbours who gave a fantastic presentation to brethren of the lodge about their 

important community work.


Ed remained for the evening attending the Festive Board where he was able to meet many of the brethren and talk about the important work he and his colleagues undertake. 


Ilkley Good Neighbours  Charity has been around for 50 years helping individuals throughout the local community. Their Mission is: To alleviate loneliness and to support older people living independently within Ilkley and Wharfedale. 


W.Bro John Bray, & W.Bro Stuart Lutes, members of Olicana Lodge regularly help out with the Ilkley Good Neighbours team in undertaking Gardening and Transport.


During his year of officer  the  Master of Olicana Lodge chooses a Charity to donate the proceeds of his fundraising at Social Events.  W.Bro Wellock has chosen Ilkley Good Neighbours who will be presented a cheque at the end of his year in February 2025. 


More information concerning this fantastic charity can be found here. 


Background image courtesy of Ilkley Good Neighbours website


March 2024 - Ilkley Air Cadets 


W.Bro Andrew Wellock presenting a cheque to Professor Alan Heywood Chair of the Civilian Committee for 1224 Air Cadet Squadron based in Ilkley following a presentation to the brethren of Olicana Lodge.

Alan said - We are part of the national Royal Air Force Air Cadet organisation, whose aim is to foster a spirit of adventure in the young and promote a practical interest in aviation.  


One of the key functions of the Squadrons' Civilian Committee is to broaden awareness of what we do within the local community and with locally based organisations. We also seek to promote the opportunities we provide to the young and explore how others can get involved and support our work if they wish to.


Learn more about the Wharfedale Air Cadets

 Background image courtesy of Ilkley Air Cadets website

E. Comp  Andrew Wellock  
 Special Occasion

First Principle , Excellent Companion  Andew Wellock of Connaught Chapter  at the Centenary celebration of the Royal Arch Council . 


Photo with Most Excellent Second Grand Principle: Russell John Race  and Co Principles of Connaught Chapter.  Read More


February 2024
W.Bro Andrew Wellock  
 Master of Olicana Lodge 2024

W.Bro Andrew Wellock along with Stewards from the Company of Past Stewards celebrate his  Installation into the Chair of King Solomon. 


Andrew has been in Freemasonry for nearly 40 years and remains as committed and enthusiastic as ever. He said “The friendships, the camaraderie and support over the years has been quite profound, I don’t think that there is anything  quite like Freemasonry that teaches you so much about yourself, life in general and that working closely with the local community in helping and contributing brings a real sense of satisfaction.


Andrew has a range of  Social Events organised throughout the year to raise money for local good causes.  


Christmas 2023

The Christmas Lodge  - a time to reflect on the year and offer some congratulations to W.Bro Stuart Lutes gaining London Grand Rank and Bro Chris Forder having just joined Olicana Lodge.



Ben Rhydding
Meeting 17 May 2023

A fantastic Evening.

Installation of Bro Sam Finister as the:  New Worshipful Master of Ben Rhydding Lodge.

The Provincial Grand Master:

Right Worshipful James Henry Newman OBE along with His Director of Ceremonies, the assistance of the Company of Past Stewards and many other guests made for a very Special evening.



Olicana - Meeting 9 May 2023

Olicana Regular Meeting attended by many guests from Other lodges to see a Ceremony of Initiation performed by Brethren. 

Great to see the Masters from: 

Ben Rhydding  - W.Bro Ian Clokey (Left)

W.Bro Peter Bradley - Lodge of King Aurthur (Right)



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