Olicana Lodge


There are Four Masonic Lodges in Ilkley – This particular Document relates to Olicana Lodge No 1522  founded  in 1874.


The members meet to conduct Lodge  business  10 months of the year excluding - July and August (Summer recess). 


We at Olicana Lodge meet  on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6.30pm.  We encourage our members to attend our monthly meetings whenever possible and we also hold a weekly ‘Practice Lodge’ on the other Tuesdays where proceedings are much less formal, and a strong social element is enjoyed by all. 


Whilst regular attendance is preferred,  there is within Olicana Lodge,  a strong family tradition and  members  fully appreciate the demands brought on by both family and work commitments  and we actively support members in this.


We are an open & transparent Lodge. Open to membership enquiries from anyone. Your trade/profession is of little interest to the members, we are however interested in YOU  as an individual and the values YOU hold. In times of need we help & support one another and our families. We also  help & support non-masonic organisations and individuals within the community when help or support is required.


Social events


As a Lodge we have a thriving Social Scene.


Throughout the year we enjoy a varied range of social events which are much anticipated and immensely enjoyed by members, partners and their families as well as many non-masonic friends. 


Such enjoyable activities offer a great opportunity to meet new people and gain a wider understanding of Masonry. These activities can include: ‘Race nights’, ‘Treasure hunts’, informal ‘Wine tasting challenges’, ‘Ladies Night’  ‘Christmas celebrations’ and more. 


As well as being great fun, these events help raise much cash for Charities in the Local Community.


Membership costs


The annual membership fee is kept as low as possible. We do not aim to make a profit on any of our activities and any profits made are donated to good causes both Locally & Nationally.


The fee is currently £225 per year and many members choose to pay by 10 monthly instalments. 


In addition to this at each of our main monthly Lodge nights on the 2nd Tuesday, we enjoy a very convivial post meeting meal in the lodge rooms which costs between £15/£20 and is prepared by ‘in house’ caterers.


Such occasions are known as “The Festive Board’ and are an integral part of Freemasonry. Here you will make many lasting friendships.


All members of any Masonic Lodge are at liberty and very much encouraged to attend other Masonic Meetings in other areas and you,  as a new member, will be free to do the same.


This is only a brief overview of what you might expect but the best way to find out if Freemasonry is right for you is to have an informal & confidential chat with one of the members.


An initial contact can be made by e mail to:




We look forward to hearing from you. 

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